Dec 26, 2017 - Ladybird trail groomed with the 275 and tiller on for the first time this season all went well to the 19 km cat turnaround.
Dec 28, 2017 - Goose Creek we removed two downed trees on the lower section of road. Track packed Frosty trail and headed for the airport. Dropped off wood and propane at the Shaw Cabin. Groomed with the drag to the airport, just made the 14 km hill. Thanks to those of you that help by packing the sides of the trail, as we would never be able to pull the airport with the drag without your help. Dropped off wood and propane at the Shaw cabin. We probed 25 cm of fresh dry powder and a base of 170 cm. then headed for home.Have a great weekend. Goose Creek groomed with the drag to the airport. All went well with the trail in pretty good condition to the Shaw cabin. Up from the cabin to the airport it was in pretty rough shape due to the large number of sleds over the holiday break. No new snow in the past couple days with the snowpack settled to 170cm at the airport marker.
Please remember the snowpack is still thin especially in the lower sections. We see so many tracks off the main trail on the bottom sections hitting objects, stay on the trail till it gets deep would be the tip of the week I think. Have a great Christmas and stay safe. Both cats were out today trying to get the trails back in order after an impressive system rolled through the last couple days.
On Lady Bird the 275 track packed to the 19 Km turn around all went well. A few hazard trees were removed from the trail. On Goose Creek the 180 track packed to the Frosty cabin then up to the airport. Several trees were removed from the trail then we came back down to 2 km, picked up the drag and went back up to 9 km. At the airport marker the base is 175 cm with 55 cm of fresh since last week. Have a good weekend be sure to check any conditions before heading out. Trails groomed -Ladybird to cat turnaround at 19 km two centimetres of fresh snow on trail. Goose creek trail to the airport again two centimetres of fresh on trail. Stocked up firewood at the shaw cabin. Marked several hazards on or close to the trail due to low snow areas. The snowpack is settled to 135 cm with a firm based at the airport. Cooley Lake Trail groomed to the lake turn around at twelve km with no drag ‘this trip. Hoping for some fresh snow for next groom so we can get the cat down to the parking area. Have a good weekend
Goose Creek groomed to the airport with the drag on Thurs night. The trail was in pretty good shape but we needed to do more hazard marking and signage as well as more firewood to the frosty cabin. Please remember its early days in the season if you see a hazard on or near the trail try mark it as best as you can, shoot us an email at [email protected] so we can decide if it needs immediate attention or can wait till the next groom. We will be filling more ditches down low but need more snow to come first.The base settled to 145 cm at the airport with still some nice powder up top. The cat is now parked at 2.5 km until we get more snow down low. Use caution on the road as there will be some slippery sections with more traffic up there as most guys-gals parking around 2 km. Have a good weekend.
April 2024