Goose Creek trail groomed to airport with drag in tow to the top. The snow was bad till about 7 km but then quickly changed to 15 cm of nice powder. The bottom 5 km of trail was very sticky and hard to work with so please try to go easy on the trail, as without cold temps it will fall apart quickly.
The top of the airport also had 15 cm of fresh and the base was still sitting at 200 cm. We also track packed and did some blade work on the Frosty trail. Only one small tree had to be removed from the trail. Ladybird trail was also groomed last night to 19 km all went well on the way up but coming down the tiller decided to stop spinning. Sounds like electrical problem but will have to do some troubleshooting to confirm. There are several bad layers on the snow pack right now so play it safe and avoid any potential hazards. Lots of areas to ride without going into hazard areas till things bond up. Check the avalanche report. Comments are closed.
December 2023